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far east bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "far east"
  • It's about time for an update from the Far East Branch, anyway.
    Waktunya dari cabang Far East.
  • Hammad Husain The Far East and Australasia 2003.
    Distrik Maluka ^ (Inggris) Far East and Australasia 2003.
  • Our team in the Far East just sent in a report.
    Tim kita di Far East baru saja mengirim laporan.
  • He released third studio album Far East Cafe in 1989.
    Dia meluncurkan album studio ketiga Far East Cafe pada 1989.
  • I'd just finished my first Far East briefing at the White House.
    Aku baru saja selesai saya pertama Far East briefing di Gedung Putih .
  • Singapore and Malaysia sales are led by Eva, previously with Far East Hospitality
    Singapura dan Malaysia akuisisi dipimpin oleh Eva, sebelumnya di Far East Hospitality
  • Far East Movement toured with Lil Wayne on the I Am Still Music tour.
    Far East Movement tur dengan Lil Wayne pada I Am Masih tur musik .
  • Add:No.90 Tie Shu Xie Jie Qian Men Wai Xi Cheng District Beijing.
    Beijing Far East Hotel's Official Website – Beijing Yuan Dong Fan Dian – 北京远东饭店
  • In March 2007, Far East Plaza Organisation closed down the then Ginza Plaza for major upgrading.
    Pada Maret 2007, Far East Plaza Organisation menutup Ginza Plaza untuk renovasi besar-besaran.
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